Blood Oxygenation 101: How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels

A photo of professional tennis player Shelby Rogers drinking Lyvecap probiotics from a black Lyvecap bottle

Reading Time: 7 minutes This article will break down everything you need to know about how to increase blood oxygenation. Oxygen is the lifeline of every cell in our bodies, playing a crucial role in our overall health and vitality. Understanding how to increase blood oxygen levels is essential, not just for athletes or those living in high altitudes, … Read more

The Role of Oxygen and High Altitude Training for Athletes 

Reading Time: 2 minutes High-altitude training has long been recognized as a method to improve athletic performance. By exposing the body to lower oxygen levels, high-altitude training stimulates the production of red blood cells, leading to an increased oxygen-carrying capacity. However, it’s important to understand the potential challenges associated with high altitudes, such as hypoxia, which occurs when there … Read more

How to Improve VO2 Max?: A Comprehensive Guide to Exercises, Nutrition, Supplements and More

A woman working on improving her VO2 max

Reading Time: 7 minutes This article is the ultimate guide on how to improve VO2 Max. VO2 Max, formally known as maximal oxygen uptake, is a pivotal measurement that reveals the maximum amount of oxygen an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise. It is often seen as the gold standard for evaluating cardiovascular fitness and aerobic capacity.  … Read more

Oxygen: The Underrated Player in Athletic Success

Reading Time: 2 minutes Oxygen availability is the foundational element for athletic success. It serves as the key player in the body’s energy production, enabling sustained physical activity and enhancing endurance capacity. Despite its undeniable importance, oxygen often remains an underrated factor in athletic performance, overshadowed by other aspects of training and preparation. The Universal Impact of Oxygen Across … Read more

The Impact of Oxygenation on Endurance Athletes

Reading Time: 5 minutes Oxygen, and oxygenation, plays a key role in our daily lives, although the relationship between oxygen and the microbiome is often misunderstood. When it comes to athletic performance, how much oxygen the gut uses has a direct impact on how much oxygen is available for the rest of the body.  Vo2 Max and lactate threshold … Read more