The Influence of Nutrition and Probiotics on Mental Health

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Conversations around mental health have become commonplace in recent years, but many people still overlook the connection between the microbiome and mood regulation. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 8 people globally suffer from some form of mental disorder, with anxiety and depression at the top of the list. This article will dive into probiotics, mental health, and more. 

In 2020, the number of people suffering from anxiety and depression significantly increased due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since nearly 95% of the body’s serotonin production takes place in the gut, researchers have discovered a direct connection between gut health and mental health. This article will explore the effects of nutrition and probiotic supplementation on depressive disorders. (1)

Probiotics and the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: A Promising Frontier for Mental Health

a photo of the three Lyvecap bottles | probiotics and mental health

The gut-brain axis is a complex system that has been gaining attention in recent years for its potential impact on mental health treatment. Due to the vast variability in microbial composition, studies involving the microbiome can be challenging. Despite these difficulties, a recent clinical trial conducted by a team from the University of Basel showed promising results. (2) The trial demonstrated that patients receiving a specific eight-strain probiotic formulation had fewer depressive symptoms than those assigned the placebo. These results suggest that microbiota play a vital role in mental health. 

In the study, patients with current depressive episodes were recruited from the University Psychiatric Clinic Basel, Switzerland, and were randomly assigned to either receive the probiotic or a matching placebo daily for 31 days, in addition to their antidepressant medication. The De Simone Formulation, a probiotic created by Lyvecap’s inventor that contains 900 billion live bacteria, was used in this trial. Neither the study participants nor the study staff knew which group the patients were assigned to, ensuring that the results were objective. (3) 

The Mechanisms Behind Probiotic Benefits for Mental Health

a diagram that displays the connection between the gut-brain axis which is a huge part of the relationship between probiotics and gut health
The gut-brain axis is a complex communication network that connects the gut microbiome and the central nervous system, playing a crucial role in mental health and well-being.

The results of the clinical trial conducted by the University of Basel team are even more compelling upon further analysis. Stool samples showed that the probiotic-treated patients had more Lactobacillus species in their gut microbiome than those who received the placebo, and this was associated with fewer depressive symptoms.

Moreover, neuroimaging techniques such as functional MRI revealed that patients who took probiotics had decreased neural activity in the putamen, a brain region involved in emotional processing and associated with depression. In contrast, the placebo group had typical brain changes associated with depression. These findings suggest that probiotics may have a protective effect against neuronal degeneration.

The study also explored the effect of probiotics on episodic memory and found a positive correlation. Results suggest that probiotics may have a beneficial effect on cognitive function in addition to their potential mental health benefits. Overall, the mechanisms behind probiotic benefits for mental health are promising, although ongoing research is needed to fully understand the microbiota-gut-brain axis and its impact on mental health.

Diet and Probiotics May Reduce Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Patients

a photo of a plate of food that represents the impact of nutrition, probiotic and mental health on each other.

While traditional drug therapies are often used to treat depression, recent research has identified the role of nutrition and the gut-brain axis on depressive disorders. Inflammation in the body has been found to contribute to depression, indicating that diet and probiotics could play a significant role in mental health. In a study published in Nutrients, a team led by Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson conducted a multicenter dietary intervention that aimed to reduce depressive symptoms in elderly patients by targeting inflammation. The study included 125 healthy elderly patients of average weight that were randomly assigned to different groups. 

All participants received personalized dietary plans. One group was given the De Simone Formulation, while the other groups received supplements based on antioxidants, polyphenols, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Before and after the 56-day intervention, data on mental and physical inflammation, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and health-related quality of life were collected. Body fat mass was also measured. At the end of the study, there was no change in anxiety or quality of life. However, the group taking the De Simone Formulation showed a significant decrease in depressive symptoms, regardless of inflammation levels. These findings suggest that probiotics may directly impact depression, independent of inflammation.

Overall, this study highlights the potential benefits of personalized dietary interventions and probiotics for improving mental health in elderly patients. By addressing inflammation and targeting the gut-brain axis, dietary interventions may offer a promising new approach to treating depression in older adults. (4)

“These positive and interesting data open new perspectives for a more global approach to depression, in particular through the manipulation of the microbiota, thanks to specific probiotics. Other studies are necessary to validate this hypothesis.” 
 – Dr. Claudio De Simone, inventor of Lyvecap and the De Simone Formulation

The Takeaway 

These studies highlight the potential benefits of dietary interventions and probiotics for treating depression and improving mental health. As research into the microbiome and the gut-brain axis continues, it is likely that new, innovative treatments will emerge. By addressing inflammation and targeting the gut-brain connection, dietary interventions and probiotics offer a promising approach to improving mental health and reducing depression symptoms. 

Lyvecap STRONG was invented by a world-renowned expert in probiotics and microflora, Dr. Claudio De Simone. As new research validates the impact of probiotics on mental health, it’s essential to prioritize gut health for full-body wellness. Shop Lyvecap STRONG today, a clinically proven probiotic backed by science and founded by doctors. 

